

marcth who founded project and develoved all versions 0.x - 1.0.x is available here.
gfdos is the current project maintainer and available here. He is also developing new versions 1.5.x, alpha 2.0 and later.
Feel free to submit patches and ideas though, and if you want to work on this "Work In Progress" let me know.

Please do not write previous maintainers support questions, suggestions, bug reports or patches. Use tracking system, support forum or for these purposes.

New to alpha 2.0, the code has been completely rewritten to design, edit, and run queries from the browser with the ability to edit results right in place
New to version 1.5.2, the code has been updated with AJAX features
New to version 1.5.0, the code has been updated to work with PHP 5.x

New development is in progress!! To see a list of whats being done, or to offer your input check out the New Versions Roadmap Discussion in the forums.
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